Thursday, April 26, 2007

Quinn 6 weeks old..

Quinn has giving mom some quite eventful days and Dad some eventful evenings. She is doing great and just seems to change her schedule whenever she feels like it. She definitely has dad's patience (not a good thing). Sleep still sucks and not because Quinn is doing anything crazy, it is just we are not a big fan of broken sleep. We are both sure in third world countries they use broken sleep as a tactic to break people...

We both look at Quinn in early pictures and see her now and can't believe how much she has grown and changed. She now is quite content in the vibrating chair or the Rain Forest swing. However we still can't get her to sleep in there. We aren't complaining as this gives us some great time to enjoy dinner and get some stuff done. She continues to show us new faces and new sounds all the time which keeps both of us rather amused.

The good weather has been great for Mom as she has been walking up a storm with Quinn. Quinn loves the walks and Mom even got adventurous yesterday and sped up the pace to a jog...

Saturday, April 21, 2007

Grammy gets some Quinn time

Grammy and Grampy came down this week and Grammy got a chance to experience all the glory that is Quinn. She also gave mom and dad a great break. It was the first time in over a month that Mom and Dad slept in the same bed which was a wonderful gift. It is amazing how much can get done when you have an extra set of hands to help.

Grammy and Quinn were like peas in a pod all week and Quinn didn't want it any other way! It was an emotional time when Grammy finally had to leave. Quinn got all choked up and gave dad a hard time Friday night just to make sure we both knew she missed her grammy.

Thursday, April 19, 2007

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

John Mayer

Last night we went out to the John Mayer concert and left Quinn with Aaji and Aaja.
John Mayer put on a great show and we had floor seats which was a first for both of us. We were actually sitting right at centre ice at the ACC. John Mayer did most of his new stuff and some of his popular stuff from previous albums. The only song he didn't do was Daughters. We had a great time but it was a long night for two sleep deprived parents. Brenda took it like a champ and only started really fading on the ride home.
John Mayer did a lot of guitar stuff and his concert was relatively similar to Eric Clapton's concert. This is no surprise because in his latest album he states "Thanks to Eric Clapton. I stole everything from him and he is cool with it." A good time all around.

Monday, April 16, 2007

On our toes

Quinn continues to keep us on our toes as she changes and gets older. We just can't seem to figure her out totally. Mom and Dad spend countless hours philosophizing on what we should do/try. We mix it up, we keep it consistent. Trying to get that formula just right.

It is so hard not to give Quinn everything at a moments notice. We both strongly feel that we would have no problem being rigid with her if she wasn't so DAMN CUTE!!!

We sometimes find ourselves trying to rationalize with Quinn to "Help us Help you". Needless to say that doesn't have a very high success rate.....

Thursday, April 12, 2007

Give Quinn some credit

Quinn had a decent night as well are still trying to figure her out. She is just 4 weeks old and we are really lucky at what a good baby she is. We should give her more credit. She eats and sleeps and only cries when something is wrong. She is interactive and funny to watch. Consider this blog as PROPS TO QUINN.....

We continue to experiment with her feedings to see how we can sculpt it into more of a parent friendly schedule...

We are also experimenting with her daily routine, naps and sleeping position to see if we can find the magic combination.

The adventure continues....

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Quinn Quinn Quinn

Quinn is starting to get quite the personality on her. We are both sure that there are times Quinn is definitely mad at her mom and dad for the things we put her through like baths and sprays.

She seems to be sleeping a little better as she gets settled into her new life. We are also getting settled in her new life as we start to get something of a schedule. Unfortunately the schedule is Quinn's and not ours.

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

4 Weeks old...

Quinn is 4 weeks old today and celebrated with a tough day for mom. She (and mom) are still trying to find a good schedule. The night was decent but the day was not the greatest.

Tonight will be an adventure for sure and we will have to see what little Ms. Quinn has in store for mom.

We are still reminding ourselves.. she is only 4 weeks old.... she is only 4 weeks old...

Monday, April 9, 2007


Quinn had her first Easter weekend and it was quite the experience to travel all around with her. She was good for most of the weekend, however, the extended time with her aunts and uncles in London was great but the long drive back threw her off a bit and made her not a happy camper. All in all she had a good trip but we have to work better on the planning as with that drive and her age you have to plan it to the minute!

She then spent time seeing her Aaji, Aaja, and poowa. She had a big and not so glamorous first. She threw up for the first time and it was projectile. It was rather like the exorcist and it just kept coming . We felt terrible for her as she was obviously initially scared. She calmed down pretty quick. Her poowa took some great pictures of her.

Overall Quinn scored some great chocolate (Daddy was happy) and got tonnes of attention.

Last night mom and dad put her on the sofa to see what she would do and she almost turned over by herself. She is definitely strong. She pulled her head out of my hand for almost 3 seconds.

Her sleep last night was not that great and mom suffered. She did go to the doctor today and she is up to 8lbs 7 ounces!! Our little chunker! We are glad that weight is not an issue for her.

Easter Photos

From yesterday, in Bramalea, are here:


Saturday, April 7, 2007

Instruction Manual.....

Quinn had a bit of a rough night last night. She wasn't her usual self. Through trial and error we figured out that she must be going through a growth spurt as she is taking almost a full ounce of food more than normal. It would have been a lot easier if she had just told us instead of us trying so many other things.

We are going to deck Quinn out all this weekend for Easter. She will be doing more clothes changes than if she was hosting the Oscars!!

We are loving her imitating us. She tries to do just about anything we do... Which leads us to the fact that everyone kept saying she was smiling... She was in fact smiling but that is only because she was copying everyone that was looking at her... A smile none the less...

Friday, April 6, 2007

Mr. Mom

Dad took over the night duties to give mom a rest and all went OK. Quinn was up about every 3 hours, had a diaper change and some food then back to bed. Mom really enjoyed the extra sleep and was recharged today.

Mom will try and get more sleep today with some naps and then hand the duties over to dad for the night.

Quinn now seems to think that 6am is her wake up time to face the day. We think a lot differently. We try to convince her that it is still night but then the sun comes up and ruins everything.

Thursday, April 5, 2007

Could this be the trend???

We are not sure if it was the temperature in the room, the time we put her down, when we fed her, or just a really good poop before bed bud Quinn had a really decent night. She was up just after midnight then slept to almost 4am and then not up again till 7am.
Mom also got her first decent amount of sleep. The night sleep along with the nap from yesterday when grammy and Nead mosi were babysitting went a long way to recharging mom.
We are now desperately hoping that last nights sleep wasn't an anomaly but the trend. We will see how tonight goes.
Quinn is getting all geared up for Easter. We think she knows it is all about chocolate and can't wait to take part.
She is also really copying everything we do. She sticks her tongue out, smiles, blinks, and does all kinds of faces imitating us. I am sure we will regret showing her how to do those faces later.....

Wednesday, April 4, 2007

First Night In The Crib... Mom gets a rest

Last night Quinn spent her first night in her crib and it went pretty good. She slept more than the night before in the bassinet. We were worried she would absolutely hate it and we would be screwed. She is a pretty easy going baby.

Her Grammy, Grampy Mick, and Nead Mosi came down to see her today and gave mom a little bit of a rest. It was a well deserved rest for mom. Quinn got spoiled all day which she definitely deserves. She lived the good life having 2 nanny's at her disposal.

We are going to try the crib again tonight and see how that goes. For a baby that is only 3 weeks old Quinn is an absolute gift to our family. We can't believe how much character she is showing us and continues to amaze us with her ever changing faces.

Quinn got weighed again today and is up to 7 lbs 15 ounces... up 2 ounces in 1 day and is growing like a weed!

Tuesday, April 3, 2007

Our every changing Quinn

Quinn is still getting used to being in her room. It might be the fact that the room is cold or it might be the fact that it isn't the room she has been sleeping in but she is having a hard time getting adjusted.

Mom is trying her best to get her comfortable in the new surroundings but along with an apparent growth spurt she isn't exactly going with the flow.

We are still reminding ourselves.... only 3 weeks old.. only 3 weeks old.. only 3 weeks old.....

Monday, April 2, 2007

New Routine

Today is dad's first day back at work.
Quinn must miss him a lot because she didn't have the greatest night and mom took the full load of it. Both her and mom are getting settled into the new routine of not having dad around. They are both learning together.

We will have to wait and see how the evening turns out...

Sunday, April 1, 2007

3rd night...

Quinn had her 3rd night in a row with some good consistency with going almost 4 hours between feedings. We think she has almost turned the corner around understanding day and night. She is having pretty regular naps and knows that the bassinet means bed.

It will be an interesting next couple of days as Dad returns to work. It will be a whole other learning curve.

It is now easier to put Quinn in the different seats we have and not have to worry about her getting fussy. She is pretty good at just sitting there and entertaining herself.

Quinn is going to have her first holiday next weekend, Easter. We will see how that goes. Hopefully she gets dad a lot of chocolate.....

Square One..

Yesterday Quinn made her first visit to Square One as mom and dad had some things to do. It was a bit of a battle... Parents vs. Quinn.

We would call it a draw but mom and dad aren't going to lose this war. It seems there is something that Quinn doesn't necessarily love about the child seat. It is a bit of a struggle. Whether little Ms. Quinn knows it or not she is going to learn to love that seat. Mom and Dad do too much driving for her not to like it.