Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Getting Fit at the TIFF....

This past weekend we did our annual trip to the Toronto International Film Festival. Quinn got to spend the day with her Aaji and Aaja and we went downtown, had a nice lunch, and then saw 2 movies. Both movies we got in good places in the line and got good seats. Realistically though, the TIFF does a good job of picking venues where there really isn't a bad seat in the house. That being said, Brenda is partial to sitting near the "Reserved" section just in case some big stars show up. This year we saw our movies on the last weekend and most of the stars had already bolted out of Toronto. We both thought that we would have a lot of respect for the stars if they actually went to all their screenings and not just the gala opening. Anyways, we digress.....

The first movie we saw was RocknRolla. It was a Guy Ritchie film and was the type of classic that he has been known for. It is a movie along the same vein as Snatch and Lock Stock and 2 Smoking Barrels. There were a few points in the movie that we both actually laughed out loud. Gerard Butler ("This is SPARTA") was in it and he did a great job.

The second movie we saw was More Than a Game. It was a documentary about an all black high school basketball team in a privileged predominantly white school. One of the real draws to the movie is that one of the baskteball players on the team is LeBron James. So it is very interesting to see how the media started coming into their lives and how things changed. However, they did a great job of not making that the focus and make it more about the friendships. It was also interesting that the black players were all friends from when they were young and all stuck together when one of them wanted to go to the predominantly white school. There were lots of heartfelt moments and it was a really interesting story.

On our way out of the second movie at the AMC at Yonge/Dundas square we walked by a very busy Future Shop and just happened to see a staff member carrying a Wii Fit. We have been thinking about getting one for a while but they aren't the easiest things to track down. Up until now we have just been dropping in stores when we were walking by to check. Well we saw a staff member with one and decided to drop in. The display was empty so we figured they were sold out but Brenda asked the staff member if they have any more and he quietly mentioned that "Yes, there are a few in the back". Needless to say we got one and got the heck out of there. All in all a great day and when we went to pick up Quinn she had nothing but smiles for us.... probably because she just took a couple chomps out of Aaji's arm!!

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Quinn's New Kicks

We have had a busy last couple weeks with a lot going on. Lucky for us we had 2 great weddings along the way to attend and enjoy ourselves at.

Quinn got her first taste as a flower girl at her Aisling Mosi and Jay Mosa's wedding. She was amazing and walked up the aisle holding our hands just taking it all in. She was handing out smiles left and right like she was the little Queen of England.
Once at the front of the church she wanted to continue touring and really gave her dad a workout as some of the pictures no doubt show... sweat on the brow!
This weekend we are taking in the Film Festival. 2 Movies in 1 day!! Yes we are crazy. We started going a couple of years ago and really enjoy getting out there and seeing some great movies. This year both the movies we are seeing are actually highly publicized. Usually we get movies that are more of hidden gems. Kanch usually helps us out with getting the tickets and making the selections.
We picked up Quinn's new kicks. By the look on her face we think she likes them although styles were limited we think she is working it just fine.... for a construction site!! She will get a chance to dress them all up at her Nead mosi's wedding in October. Can you picture them with a beautiful white dress? If you can't we will have pics in about 3 weeks! It is funny that Quinn's shoes are more expensive than any pair of shoes we have ever owned... but I guess that is what being a parent is all about!