Saturday, November 8, 2008

Halloween, Climbing the stairs, Blood Tests and Daycare take their toll! Also 3D Ultrasound

Quinn had a busy last couple weeks and it finally caught up with her. The blood tests were a lot to absorb, then mastering the climbing of the stairs, then the excitement of Halloween, and then finally the first week of Daycare. She started being a little off on the Sunday before Daycare but we just thought she was tired. Needless to say by Wednesday she was not herself at all.

Thursday she had a fever of 102 and was pretty much shutdown from doing anything. We took her to the doctor and she has tonsillitis. It is about 6 months since she had Strep throat. Because of the difficulty swallowing solid food she has been on a pudding and yogurt diet for about 3 days. She was really worn on on Friday and would spontaneously lay down and rest. The picture below shows how she just in mid crawl lay down for a break. Sometimes even fall asleep. At daycare they told us they were all practicing for a concert and she was laying down in the middle of everything sleeping.

It has been a tough couple of days and some quality time with her momma on Friday went a long way to making her feel better. Today was the first day we can see the old Quinn come back. In fact she climbed the ottoman for the first time. Yesterday she was really giving it a try and we showed her the mechanics to make it happen and then today she got it. Now it is her thing to do and we love it. Again she hasn't fully figured out the getting down backward. Here is a picture of her after she conquered the ottoman!

This morning we had some Baby Brelan v2.0 time (yes that is the name we are going with until they are here). We had the 3D ultrasound. It is amazing how we see so much of Quinn in the new baby. Here is one picture and the rest are posted on (the website was rearranged to accommodate v2.0)

Sunday, November 2, 2008