Monday, March 26, 2007

Hungry Hungry Hippo....... or Not

Quinn was up every 1.5 hours last night. She seemed to be more hungry than normal which was ok if she would actually eat more than 1/2 oz. before falling asleep again.

It was a tough night for mom as she didn't get much sleep. Her focus today will be to get in as many naps as possible.

Quinn goes to the doctor today for the big weigh in. We are hoping that she is back to her birth weight. She also has trouble at night getting herself to sleep. We have inclined the bassinet, put more blankets, put her on her side and it all doesn't seem to help. She also snores like her mom. We might ask the doctor about that one....

Dad actually got up and worked out... it was quite a monumental return to the normal routine.
Once mommy is feeling better then we can really work to get back to our new family routine.

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