Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Shopping for Quinn

This past weekend we felt compelled to go out and get Quinn some toys. Over the past week she has been far more interactive and we didn't exactly nurture that environment. It is amazing all the different toys out there. Both of us were really excited to go out and get things for Quinn that we can genuinely see she loves. As you can see by the picture above she got spoiled and we wouldn't want it any other way.
Quinn got a nice visit from her Aisling Mosi and Nead Mosi yesterday and Quinn really enjoyed her time with them. Nead Mosi was able to take some time off to spend the week with Quinn which gives mom and dad (more mom) a much deserved break.
Quinn is getting more settled in this new life of hers. We see her more and more doing things that are unique to her. She is so entertaining for both of us and continues to do things that makes us laugh. I mean come on.... how cute is she???

1 comment:

sue said...

SHe is SO cute!! I can't believe how much she is changing!!!