Both Sinead and Aisling are now married. They were two great weddings that we were all happy to be a part of. Both were great nights and Quinn worked the room at both ceremonies. The first picture is from Aislings and the second is from Sineads. In the picture from Sinead and Radu's wedding you can see her sensible shoes make an appearance... We think it works well with the outfit!!

This past Thanksgiving we were lucky enough to take part in 2 turkey dinners. One in London and one in Brampton. What this means is that we probably over ate twice and we also had Quinn in 2 separate super cute outfits. The first picture is from London Thanksgiving and the second is from Brampton.

In parting I would like to just update the status of how the Wii Fit is going. So I (Milan) have used it quite a bit and the exercises are both fun and challenging. The last time I actually used it I had to change into almost full out work out clothes. They did a great job building something that was appealing to both experienced work out people as well as novices. Some of the exercises I have ranked at the top (Bodybuilder or Cardio Incinerator), while others I have not had such a glowing title (unbalanced or amateur). The one thing that they didn't really advertise for the Wii Fit is the fun that everyone can have watching other people do silly exercises. YouTube has taken this role but I think there is a marketing campaign in there somewhere!!!
1 comment:
I'm impressed with wii fit b/c of the core strength - I think that a lot of the exercises are pretty elite and the others just plain hillarious (I almost peed my pants watching Radu attempting to do 'girl' pushups) - have you tried the yoga? I did find a few parts of it a bit insulting, I dont remember what but they were a bit mocking - I dont think it was about weight (which would be very bad), more about the balance part asking if you had trouble walking...
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