Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Teeth!! Or should we say TOOTH!

Quinn has now reached another milestone. She has a tooth.... We figured last week that the teething process had begun as she was a little off and we could see two bumps on her bottom gums that looked remarkably like teeth. We had read all kinds of crazy stuff about baby's having those bumps for months and no teeth actually making an appearance. We were ready for the worst. Then on this past Saturday at Walmart, the first tooth poked through. We figure it happened Friday night as she woke up screaming, which is not normal for her. Anyways the tooth is here. Now we are just waiting for the rest of the Chiclets to come in. We are hoping for a quick process but since she is still sporting the one, we are losing faith.
Quinn took her first ride in a jolly jumper. Her initial impressions of the device were not good. However, within a couple minutes she was off. We could tell that by the look on her face she is getting her first taste of true independence. She is also really active with her legs and we can envision her face planting in the door frame. Do they have jolly jumper helmets??? We also swear she turns away from us when she just wants to be alone. Little Monkey!!

Monday, July 2, 2007

The magic 3 month mark

Mom and dad figured it out.... There is no magic 3 month mark. In fact most people mislead us. When Quinn was 1-2 months old they all said just wait till she gets 3 months and then she will start sleeping well. As soon as Quinn starting getting close to the 3 month mark then the stories switched. It was all about that 4 month mark. We have decided to stop chasing that carrot!! We have even heard rumours of the 6 month mark. We now took matters into our own hands. It is amazing what a heartfelt conversation with a 3 month old can do. We spent a couple days of recurring conversations with Quinn about the value of sleep and it really worked like a charm. She now falls asleep on her own and is getting to be pretty regulated in the nights. We figure if they all can mislead us...... Okay maybe we decided to take a different route. We implemented a specific bedtime routine that really worked well.

Our family is now starting to actually resemble real life. We go out for dinner. We plan ahead for stuff and we can have tonnes of interactive time with Quinn.

Mom got some pictures done for Father's Day with Quinn and Dad. An example of one of the pictures is below.

We have decided that Quinn might have bipolar tendencies. She can go from the loudest cry (for her) to the biggest laugh and giggle. We love it when it swings in our favour and most of the times that is the way it goes. However, there are times it goes horribly wrong.

Mom has had a chance to get out and enjoy the great weather with Quinn but it seems her concern over the sun for Quinn should have been placed on her as well. She got a couple of real bad burns being out in the sun. Then again it doesn't take much. Quinn and Dad will always have to look out for the lighty.

New Pictures of Quinn

More pictures posted at www.brelan.ca