Anyways, we flew to South Africa with my two aunts which was nice because we didn't have to fly alone but at the same time it was so hard for my mom to have 4 people she loved leave at the same time. All day I was dreading getting on the flight because I knew what the flight was about and it was focused on the fact my dad had passed. I didn't want to do it because I was worried about the emotional stress. I knew there was no way I wasn't going to go but it was difficult from the beginning.
The flight was grueling to say the least. 13hrs to Dubai and then almost 9hrs to Durban. The flight from Toronto to Dubai was on the Emirates super plane, the airbus 380, the double decker one. It was nice with all the amenities and multimedia but the seats were hard. Very hard. I was surprised, given how new the plane was, it also had ashtrays around, which was also strange.
On the way there we stayed over a night in Dubai and toured around the city. It isn't what I expected at all. There really isn't any "Dubai Culture". There are massive expensive hotels, restaurants I recognize, and money.... lots of money. However, there isn't any Arab culture there, it is the only city in the United Arab Emirates that allows drinking because of it's attraction to tourists. All the other cities have no drinking and no bars because of their Muslim roots. We saw the usual and headed to Durban in the morning.
When we arrived in Durban the first thing we saw when we collected all our baggage was family, lots of family. It was such a nice surprise to be greeted by so many people. I know a lot of them was there to see my aunts but it was family none the less. They all hugged us and it was nice to feel welcomed. We then went back to my uncle's house and everyone came, plus more people. There was so much family around and I kept thinking that this is what my dad loved. Family around, the more the merrier. So at the same time it was comforting, it was also very emotional, I had to take a few breaks to go into other room when my emotions got the best of me. I couldn't believe that after 23 years I was back in South Africa and my dad wasn't with me. I cried a lot on the plane and then even more when we arrived. My Uncle Rakesh took us around and really looked out for us. He made sure we were OK even if we weren't with him and really gave us the royal treatment. We drove up the coast in Durban one evening which was really nice.
The next day was the big day. We were doing the ashes ceremony. There was a lot of heart ache and stress associated with the logistics of getting the ashes done the way I wanted it and the way I know my dad would have wanted it. The days and times kept getting switched, some people didn't want to participate, some other people wanted it their way and not mine. Anyways, it worked out OK. The prayer was nice, the ashes went into the same water that my grand parents and my aunt went into. The place is called Albert Falls and it was such a great place that my dad used to go fishing when he was young. It just felt like he should have been standing next to me telling me all the stories about the place, but he wasn't, and I missed hearing his voice in a place that important to him.
It was peaceful and I got time to sit and talk to my dad , thanks largely to Brenda (long story with too much Maharaj drama). It told him that I knew he was home but his home is with me. To please stay with me, help me, and guide me. Keep the kids safe and help Quinn find her way. I cried so much that day that my eyes hurt. I looked at the water tried to hear his voice in my head and feel good about doing something my dad really wanted. I asked him if I will ever see him again in this life or the next. I told him he was and always will be my hero. Told him I loved him beyond words and that he was a man above all others. I also repeated some things that I told him when he was leaving us, but those are words for him and me and not for anyone else. I miss him terribly and still cry all the time. I think about the life he gave me and I am forever thankful. He is truly one of a kind. There were so many things I said that day as I sat on the rocks talking to him. I told him I didn't know what this life was supposed to be like without him. I told him all about my pain and my struggles. It was a moment that was just for my dad and me.
After the ashes, we went around Pietermaritzburg which was the city my dad grew up in. We saw the old places he worked, visited some old friends and heard all the same messages. He was a great man, unlike anyone they had ever met. He was meticulous and had a memory like nothing they had seen before. It was nice to hear but at the same time, he was my dad, and I knew all this. I wish I had more time to sit and tell him just how great I knew he was. It wasn't like I wasn't sure about my dad. It wasn't like I thought he was an OK guy or that I didn't hold him in the highest regard. He was amazing, I knew that in my heart without a doubt. So everyone we met, pulled me into tears either in their presence or during the walk back to the car. All I could think about is that I had this great guy as a dad and I don't feel I appreciated him as much as I should have. He was my dad but beyond that he was an amazing man.
We had a prayer for my dad that night and a lot of his friends came and shared stories and told me some heart felt messages about my dad. There was a time during their stories where they had said that I really didn't know him.... What? He is my dad. They said I didn't know the man he was back in South Africa. I took it as long as I could and then made a point to tell them that THEY didn't know him. I knew the man they talked about but they didn't know the man he had become. In the last 10 years of his life the man they had known had changed. The man I know was this man that was so caring and gentle. A blessed soul that could not do enough for the people he loved. It was a grandfather that changed everything he thought about the world the day his little princess was born and stole his heart. It was a man that was in awe of a boy that would never stop being a boy. He was a person that was so full with love that it spread to everyone close to him. This was my father. They shared they stories of loss with a little bit of disregard of the pain I was in and I had to remind them that they lost a brother, friend, or relative but I lost my dad and when he left a piece of me died. It was more of this constant struggle with my dad's family and friends but it was OK. I know they were hurting. We finished the prayer and the next day went to a prayer for my dad at 6:30am in a temple that he and my grandfather built. It was a nice service and I cried the whole way through. Sitting in this temple that my dad felt so strongly about without him. Looking at the walls and the floor and thinking he was here over 50 years ago. It was so emotional. Prayer and Hindu hymns in general now have this effect of bringing me to tears because they remind me of the time of losing my dad.
The rest of that day we did some rapid fire visiting with people all over Pietermaritzburg. I think we visited well over 20 different people that day. All were so welcoming to me and all wanted us to have tea. I have never refused so much beverages and cookies in all my life!! We stayed only about 10 minutes or so at each person's house and they were so happy I could spend that. I know Brenda's head was spinning trying to keep in order who was who and how they were related to me. I stopped trying after a while and just relied on my Aunt Uma to tell my mom who they were when she talked to her in Canada!
After those visits we went to see my Uncle in Estcourt. He and my aunt had so much food waiting for us. We sat down and ate a little till we were full. Then we realized that it wasn't dinner but appetizers... Brenda and I just looked at each other and laughed. We weren't surprised given how much food is always around. It is just part of the culture. We had a relaxing night with my uncle and aunt and had time to sleep in then head back to Pietermaritzburg but not before we bought $80 worth of biscuits!! I was just grabbing 1 of each of the biscuits my mom loves and my uncle put 3 more of each in the cart. It was quite the haul of cookies!! My Uncle Jay also played such a huge role in making sure I was taken care of everywhere in South Africa and always made a point of seeing us almost every day especially since he lived almost 3 hours away. After that we headed back to Durban to spend some time with all my family before we headed out the next day. It was amazing how quickly they got everyone on my mom's side together for dinner. We all went out to an African place called Moyo. It was a nice place on the beach. There were so many laughs and jokes and it was nice to be again surrounded my so much family, I thought my mom would feel so much better here with her family that loves her so much. I also felt so much longing for my dad. I could almost hear his voice as he would tell stories and laugh and joked with everyone. I fought back the tears so hard. I closed my eyes and could almost hear his voice.
After that we went back to my uncle's house chatted to early in the morning and then got some sleep. Woke up and then realized there was no way all the cookies and presents everyone gave would be able to make it back to Canada in the one checked luggage we brought. So we borrowed one piece from my uncle and then they bought the kids presents and my other aunt/cousin showed up with some great South African Rugby jackets. The next thing we had another checked luggage. We came with one piece of luggage at 18kg coming and leaving with 3 pieces! After trying to sort out the luggage we made a mad dash to the airport. It is so different there. A ton of my family came to the airport to see us off. It was unbelievable. They all hung out and chatted. They stayed with us to the very moment we went through security. We had some issues with the luggage but got it straightened out and all the luggage made it back to Canada with us.
I just can't believe the people on my mom's side of the family they have their drama but they are so close. They don't let anything get in the way of being close. On my dad's side it is different, they are just looking for ways to argue. I tried to help them realize what was important and will continue to support them as I am sure my dad would want. I did get a chance to go see my dad's brother who lived about 30 minutes outside of Durban. It was obvious that no family had reached out to him. The moment I got out of the car he was emotional and when I told him I came half way around the world just to see him he broke down. He had such love and respect for my dad and for me to reach out to him after my dad was gone really took him back. When I left there I knew my dad would have been so proud of me for going out of my way to see him. He had been excluded from the rest of the family in South Africa and I wish I could have called my dad to tell him how happy he was to see me but that wasn't possible so again, I cried.
The trip home was long but not as bad as going. We did get some sleep but got delayed through New York. The plane ride was 23 hours of crying for me. Just thinking about coming home and trying to figure out what life is supposed to be. Can't believe I am coming home and can't tell my dad about everything we did. It really hit home when we came out into the terminal and my dad wasn't there. He wasn't there waving at me and wasn't there to hug me. Very lonely feeling.
Brenda got a good taste of my family and it's differences. We got a taste of South Africa and hope to be back there soon. But the purpose of the trip was to fulfill my dad's wish. He can be at rest knowing that it is complete. People thought I could get a lot of peace by doing it. I did get a sense of satisfaction but it doesn't make my heart hurt any less. I still miss my dad and wish he was here. I still long for his embrace and to hear his voice. My heart doesn't know I have done this great thing for my dad, all it knows is my dad is still gone.
1 comment:
Wow, what a journey. Its so interesting to me that death seems to bring out the best and worst qualities in people (especially relatives).
I know your Dad would be very proud of you. Reaching out to the brother ostracized from the rest of the family sounds like something your Dad would have felt very strongly about.
A sense of satisfaction is definitely a great starting point - its more than you felt before you left...
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