I had some time to spend with a friend, Jay. We went for lunch, saw a bunch of Ferrari's, and then the driving range. There was a charity event at the golf course put on by Ferrari and there were Ferrari's as far as the eye could see. It was amazing! I wish both our dads were there to see it. It was nice to be with someone that also lost a parent. Jay actually tragically has lost both parents. I was so happy that he had the time to come down and hang out with me. It was a beautiful day with nice cars and some golf. OK it was the driving range but that is close for me. It was a great mix of having a good time as well as missing my dad.

We chatted about a lot of stuff. I told him how I just can't believe my dad is gone. How I want him back. We chatted how he feels so close, right there, but you can't get to him. It was nice to talk to someone that actually understood the pain. We talked about how my dad was here still and watching over me, I just couldn't talk to him. As I sit here thinking about it I miss my dad so much and think how terrible it is that such a great man that helped so many people had to leave. It is heartbreaking. I also know that even if my dad wasn't a great guy or a great father, it wouldn't be any easier as I loved him beyond words. Jay told me about how he lives his days, what is really hard and how life is for him. It was good to hear about all the things I was worried about. He told me when the pain comes, when it is really tough and how time is the only thing that will help. Jay is also part of my extended family and I am so glad he will be around for those tough times like holidays, especially Christmas. It is comforting to have someone out there that understands. I told him I still can't believe I will be able to go on without all this pain. His advice, which was great, is that you have no choice. He is so right, I have 2 great kids, a wife, a mom, and a sister who still need me and there is nothing I can do to bring my dad back. I still want him back and I still wish he was here. I will continue to reach out to Jay because I feel understood when I talk to him. I feel we share so many critical feelings and it helps to talk.

The biggest thing that came out of the discussion was that how ignorant I was to the cycle of life. I really didn't understand what death really meant. I knew people died and I knew it was tragic but I didn't know that we all will be living one day with a pain beyond our understanding when someone we love more than anything has to leave. That is life. It isn't a tragic set of circumstances than only a few have to go through. It is something everyone will experience. I see older people now and understand they probably have a spot in their heart where there is a pain they never thought they would have to bare. I can't believe how blind I was to the fact that this is how things work. Jay said not to be so hard because unless you go through it you really have no idea what it is like. It makes you totally reassess how you look at the world. I have heard that we are all wired to lose our parents, it is the cycle of life and it doesn't prepare you for it but it isn't a totally unfathomable event. This is what happens. You are born, you grown up, your parents pass, you pass, and then things just keep going on. I was looking at the cycle of life and this blog. It was created when my little Quinn was born. Now it is a critical vehicle to discuss the loss of my dear father. It is both ends of the life cycle. When I think about my dad I just think about this amazing man, he lifted me up, he loved me more than anything, and he brought so much joy to me. I feel lost without these parts of my life.

Thank you to my friend, Jay, for coming to talk. I hope we can do it again soon as it was a lot of therapy for me and he said it helped him too. He gave me some great advice to try not to dwell too long when the moments of wanting my dad back come in the day. I am trying to apply this advice but it is hard. I think about my dad and feel spinning out of emotional control. I wish I had more time with my dad and used the time I had better. It is hard not wanting the other life back and coping with this new life. Every morning Ronin tells me that Aaja is with the angels and he isn't coming back. I know he is repeating something I told him when he asked for Aaja to come back for Christmas. Either way, it is a harsh reality every morning that my dad is not here. It breaks my heart. I am desperately trying to find the moments in this life that I can take and enjoy but it is hard not to experience them in the context of losing my dad right now.
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